Privacy Policy
- 1.
- 当社は、お客さまの個人情報を正確かつ最新の状態に保ち、個人情報への不正アクセス・紛失・破損・改ざん・漏洩などを防止するため、セキュリティシステムの維持・管理体制の整備・社員教育の徹底等の必要な措置を講じ、安全対策を実施し個人情報の厳重な管理を行ないます。
- 2.
- お客さまからお預かりした個人情報は、当社からのご連絡や業務のご案内やご質問に対する回答として、電子メールや資料のご送付に利用いたします。
- 3.
- ・お客さまの同意がある場合
- ・お客さまが希望されるサービスを行なうために当社が業務を委託する業者に対して開示する場合
- ・法令に基づき開示することが必要である場合
- 4.
- 当社は、個人情報の正確性及び安全性確保のために、セキュリティに万全の対策を講じています。
- 5.
- お客さまがご本人の個人情報の照会・修正・削除などをご希望される場合には、ご本人であることを確認の上、対応させていただきます。
- 6.
- 当社は、保有する個人情報に関して適用される日本の法令、その他規範を遵守するとともに、本ポリシーの内容を適宜見直し、その改善に努めます。
Management of Personal Information
- 1.
- In order to keep customers’ personal information accurate and up to date, and prevent accidents such as unauthorized access to, and loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of the said personal information, we shall take necessary measures such as maintaining security systems, improving management structures and thoroughly conducting staff training, and shall implement security measures, thereby strictly controlling such personal information.
Purpose of Use of Personal Information
- 2.
- We shall use personal information received from customers for purposes of communicating with customers, providing them with information on the Company’s services, and responding to their inquiries by sending email messages and/or relevant materials.
Prohibition of Disclosure or Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
- 3.
We shall properly manage personal information received from customers and under no circumstances shall we disclose such personal information to any third party except where any of the following applies:
- ・Cases where customer’s consent exists;
- ・Cases where performing services sought by a customer requires disclosure of his or her personal information to outsourcing contractors of the Company; or
- ・Cases where disclosure of personal information is required by applicable laws and regulations.
Security Measures for Personal Information
- 4.
- We adopt thoroughgoing security measures to ensure the accuracy and security of personal information.
Requests from Customers
- 5.
- If a customer desires to check, correct or delete his or her own personal information, the Company shall respond to such request upon verifying the identity of the requester.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations, and Norms, and Review
- 6.
- The Company shall comply with Japanese laws and regulations, and other norms applicable to the personal information in its possession, and shall endeavor to improve this Policy by reviewing the content thereof as appropriate.
- ・Cases where customer’s consent exists;
- ・Cases where performing services sought by a customer requires disclosure of his or her personal information to outsourcing contractors of the Company; or
- ・Cases where disclosure of personal information is required by applicable laws and regulations.